Sunday, August 10, 2008

Me Post

It's Sunday.-.Holly just left. Thinkin about 1st BLOG & Blogging, itself. So far this is fun--thinking out loud to myself! I'm done now thinkin about me.

How about Michael Phelps, the 400 meter swimming gold medalist winner today in Beijing. And yet, I'm still thrilled & numbed at the Beijing Olympic Opening show...! Exquisite in color, design, sound, pyrotechnics and breath taking canopy of humans in perfect sync. And what about those 2500 year old drums syncopating to 1800 drummers with ancient sounds of power. I'm exhausted now!

Harley Dietrich of TigerDirect just reminded me of some reasons that business thrives on personal contacts--contacts that connect to the world of public relations and the things that individuals care about.

Besides delivery times and pricing, et al, there is something far more valuable: personal relationships and mutual respect. He does indeed, remind me that business has its compensations. Thank you Harley!  j